Sunday, February 7, 2016

Welcome to Bogotá!

Traveling to a capital city we always anticipate a certain amount of bedlam. Capital cities are gems, steeped in history and culture, rich in arts and diversity, hustling with action, with just enough insanity to keep you on your toes. Keep in mind opinions are based on perspective, so it's all relative. But walking around Bogatá for the past 4 days has been IMPRESSIVE. The city is huge - 10 million in the metro area. It definitely feels busy, but not chaotic. Populous without feeling overcrowded. Our first day walking the city happened to be a Car Free Day when the entire city transforms its major streets and roadways into bike lanes. No cars allowed anywhere! Only bicycles and public transportation. It was remarkable to see. Inspiring. 

The people we've met have been remarkable: personable, generous, quick to offer assistance, as well as a smile. This is why we travel, right? The human connection. To know a country is to know its people. Traveling always opens our eyes and minds to different perspectives, new realities, bigger pictures. And it opens our hearts to those we meet along the way, confirming what we already know, that the human spirit is beautiful. 

While Brian and I are excited to get to the countryside, our time in Bogotá has been wonderful, as well as educational. We knew so little upon our arrival. The lessons have begun. We feel lucky. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nicely said. Loving the architecture and dad's cropped pants! 😉 xo
